{"id":3161,"date":"2016-09-30T16:23:54","date_gmt":"2016-09-30T16:23:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/private-yacht-charter-thailand\/?lang=es"},"modified":"2022-08-27T23:18:09","modified_gmt":"2022-08-27T21:18:09","slug":"barcos-de-lujo-en-alquiler-sudeste-asiatico","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/es\/barcos-de-lujo-en-alquiler-sudeste-asiatico\/","title":{"rendered":"Cruceros privados con tripulaci\u00f3n por las islas del sur de Tailandia, al norte de Langkawi en Malasia e islas tailandesas a lo largo de la costa de Krabi en el mar de Andam\u00e1n."},"content":{"rendered":"

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1471564756247{margin-top: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]\"3-(1)\"<\/p>\n



Vacaciones de lujo en barco, por las islas de Tailandia y el archipi\u00e9lago de Mergui – Algunos de los destinos de cruceros del Sudeste Asi\u00e1tico que debe visitar.<\/h2>\n

Clapotis Mer, el especialista en vacaciones en barco, ofrece cruceros privados por las islas m\u00e1s bonitas del sudeste asi\u00e1tico.<\/p>\n

Para un crucero por las islas de Tailandia, Langkawi y Mergui, puede elegir un barco de calidad entre los que ofrecemos, como una goleta cl\u00e1sica, grandes veleros y catamaranes de vela y motor. Las islas de Tailandia y los archipi\u00e9lagos de Mergui y Langkawi est\u00e1n entre los destinos de vacaciones en barco m\u00e1s apasionantes del mar de Andam\u00e1n.<\/p>\n

Nuestras ofertas de cruceros incluyen tripulaci\u00f3n y comidas en pensi\u00f3n completa, lo que hace de Clapotis-Mer la elecci\u00f3n ideal para organizar sus vacaciones en barco por las islas m\u00e1s hermosas del sudeste asi\u00e1tico.[\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]<\/p>\n

Crucero por las islas del sur de Tailandia a lo largo de la costa de Krabi con partida desde Phuket.<\/h2>\n

Phuket es un punto de partida de clase mundial para cruceros por las islas de Tailandia. La zona de navegaci\u00f3n incluye la costa de Krabi, las islas del sur de Tailandia justo enfrente de Langkawi en Malasia en el Mar de Andam\u00e1n y el Golfo de Tailandia. Visite los parques marinos nacionales de Tailandia en barco. Es el hogar de fragantes bosques tropicales y de la fauna ex\u00f3tica.<\/p>\n

La bah\u00eda de Phang Nga y las islas frente a la costa de Krabi est\u00e1n al noreste de Phuket. Recorre la famosa isla de James Bond en barco y m\u00e1s de cien islas v\u00edrgenes tailandesas. Koh Racha Yai y Koh Racha Noi son bonitas islas gemelas a lo largo de la costa sur de Phuket. Las islas Phi Phi se encuentran al suroeste de la ciudad de Krabi. Contin\u00fae su crucero por la isla de Koh Lanta, situada en el sur de Tailandia, frente a la costa de Krabi, o ponga rumbo al Parque Marino Nacional de las Islas Similan en el noroeste de la isla de Phuket. Tambi\u00e9n puede ir de crucero para descubrir los fabulosos lugares salvajes del Parque Nacional Marino Koh Tarutao, que es la isla principal del archipi\u00e9lago situada en el mar de Andaman frente a Satun en la costa sur de Tailandia y unas pocas millas al norte de Langkawi en Malasia. Luego, el barco sigue su ruta hacia Koh Adang y Koh Rawi, las dos joyas ocultas de las islas del sur de Tailandia, y llega a Koh Lipe, la peque\u00f1a isla habitada m\u00e1s cercana que tiene un pueblo animado en el archipi\u00e9lago Adang-Rawi en el sur de Tailandia.<\/p>\n

Un crucero entre Phuket y Langkawi en Malasia puede ser una experiencia m\u00e1gica.<\/h2>\n

La bah\u00eda de Phang Nga est\u00e1 salpicada de cientos de islas y es conocida por sus buenos fondeos y su mar tranquilo durante la estaci\u00f3n seca. La regi\u00f3n de Tailandia alrededor de la bah\u00eda de Phang Nga ofrece a los amantes de la naturaleza paisajes que se mantienen intactos. La isla de Koh Tarutao y las islas tailandesas que forman el Parque Nacional Marino de Koh Tarutao son accesibles en barco desde Phuket o Langkawi.<\/p>\n

Las islas Similan forman parte de Tailandia y se sit\u00faan aproximadamente a 80 millas al noroeste de Phuket. Es uno de los destinos de cruceros m\u00e1s buscados de Tailandia si le gusta un entorno salvaje y totalmente deshabitado con playas y calas aisladas.<\/p>\n

Las islas Surin son un grupo de cinco islas. El Parque Nacional Marino Mu Ko Surin se encuentra a unas 30 millas de la costa oeste de Tailandia. La comunidad Moken de Surin se ha establecido en la isla de Koh Surin Nuea. Richelieu Rock, un arrecife de coral p\u00farpura en la isla de Surin, es el h\u00e1bitat de una variada vida marina. El Parque Nacional Marino de las Islas Surin es la frontera mar\u00edtima m\u00e1s cercana entre Myanmar y Tailandia.[\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]<\/p>\n

La isla de Langkawi en Malasia est\u00e1 aproximadamente a 124 millas al sur de Phuket. Es un buen punto de partida para sus vacaciones en barco.<\/h2>\n

Es un destino de crucero encantador y sereno con noventa y nueve islas en su mayor\u00eda deshabitadas, playas v\u00edrgenes y monta\u00f1as cubiertas de exuberantes bosques tropicales. La isla de Langkawi es uno de los lugares m\u00e1s bellos del sudeste asi\u00e1tico para pasar unas vacaciones en barco.<\/p>\n

Una breve navegaci\u00f3n al norte de Langkawi le llevar\u00e1 a las islas del sur de Tailandia; un lugar maravilloso para su estancia en barco. Tambi\u00e9n puede comenzar su crucero desde el puerto de Telaga en la costa oeste de la isla de Langkawi. Navegue en la bah\u00eda de Burau, luego dir\u00edjase al norte hasta la bah\u00eda de Datai, que alberga algunas de las playas m\u00e1s id\u00edlicas de Langkawi. Visite una cueva legendaria cerca de la playa de Tanjung Rhu en la costa norte de Langkawi.
\nEl fondeo del barco cerca del r\u00edo Kilim en medio del bosque de manglar es un refugio tranquilo en la costa este de Langkawi. Contin\u00fae su crucero por las islas del sur, luego entre en el puerto de Bass Harbour y haga escala en la ciudad de Kuah, la capital de Langkawi.
\nPulau Dayang en la isla Bunting es famosa por el m\u00edstico “Lago de la joven embarazada” rodeado de bosques tropicales. Practique kayak en la orilla del mar para observar monos y otros animales, luego ascienda la costa oeste en barco hasta Pantai Cenang. Aqu\u00ed puede visitar el mundo submarino de Langkawi, el acuario m\u00e1s grande de Malasia.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Viajes de aventura en barco por el archipi\u00e9lago de Mergui en la costa sur de Myanmar.<\/h2>\n

El archipi\u00e9lago de Mergui es una de las joyas de Myanmar. Es uno de los destinos de cruceros y vacaciones en barco m\u00e1s bellos del Sudeste Asi\u00e1tico.
\nEmbarque en el puerto de la ciudad fronteriza de Kawthaung en Myanmar para un crucero a las Islas Mergui. Pasar la noche a bordo de su barco en una cala tranquila en la isla de Barwell. A la ma\u00f1ana siguiente, siga su itinerario de crucero y practique el buceo libre en los arrecifes de coral de colores brillantes en la Isla Pony. El barco contin\u00faa su navegaci\u00f3n hacia la isla Nyaung Wee (tambi\u00e9n conocida como el nombre de la isla Buda), donde puede visitar un pueblo Moken, ir de excursi\u00f3n por la exuberante selva tropical y observar la fauna a lo largo del r\u00edo.<\/p>\n

El archipi\u00e9lago de Mergui tiene m\u00e1s de 800 islas a\u00fan v\u00edrgenes cubiertas de bosques tropicales. El barco sigue su ruta y hace escala en la “Isla 115″ Este grupo monta\u00f1oso de 5 islas cubiertas por la selva tiene m\u00e1s de 50 playas de arena blanca y magn\u00edficos arrecifes de coral. En Nga Mann, puede bucear con tortugas y rayas con manchas azules en una deslumbrante playa de arena blanca. Explore Phi Lar en barco (tambi\u00e9n llamada Great Swinton). La isla est\u00e1 deshabitada y cubierta por la selva tropical. Es el h\u00e1bitat de una fauna abundante, r\u00edos y cascadas. \u201cShark Cave” es un excelente sitio de buceo. El barco fondea en la bah\u00eda aislada de la isla Clara. Navega un poco m\u00e1s al norte para observar la vida marina alrededor del islote rocoso ” Black Rock “. La traves\u00eda del paso de Salet Galet es una de las experiencias m\u00e1s bonitas de su crucero por el archipi\u00e9lago de Mergui. Elija un fondeo protegido entre las islas Lampi y Wa Ale Kyunn, rodeado de una exuberante jungla, aguas cristalinas y playas de arena blanca. Estos son lugares maravillosos para viajar en barco. Podr\u00e1 disfrutar de una excursi\u00f3n por la selva tropical y un paseo en canoa por los manglares. Conozca a los Moken, una tribu n\u00f3mada que a\u00fan vive una existencia de cazadores-recolectores en la lejana naturaleza salvaje. Ko Phawt es un lugar \u00fanico para unas vacaciones en barco en el archipi\u00e9lago de Mergui. La isla est\u00e1 rodeada de exuberantes manglares. Es el lugar ideal para una incre\u00edble excursi\u00f3n en kayak de mar. Una corta traves\u00eda en barco hacia el sur lleva a la Isla Bo Cho (Isla Punala) para visitar el peque\u00f1o museo Moken en el pueblo. Finalmente, regrese a Kawthuang al final de su crucero.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

[\/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Cruceros privados con tripulaci\u00f3n por las islas de Tailandia, los archipi\u00e9lagos de Mergui y Langkawi en el mar de Andam\u00e1n<\/strong>” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes” skin=”primary”][vc_separator color=”custom” style=”solid” accent_color=”#dbdbdb”][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”p-b-lg”][vc_column][vc_column_text]<\/p>\n

<\/i> Catamar\u00e1n a vela 70 ft con doble puente<\/h4>\n

Clapotis-Mer Exclusive Yachting Holidays are pleased to offer this luxurious, fully equipped double deck sailing catamaran for all inclusive exclusive yacht charters in some of Southeast Asia\u2019s most attractive sailing locations. This is a superb package offering excellent value.<\/p>\n

The catamaran is newly launched and she is one of the finest cruising yachts available for private yacht charter in Thailand’s islands.\u00a0 Your sailing holiday will usually start from Ao Po Grand Marina which is the newest and most popular superyacht port on the north-east coast of Phuket Island in Thailand. You\u2019ll be spoilt for choice!<\/p>\n

  • Cruise through the spectacular Phang Nga Bay in the Strait of Malacca which is famous for its wonderful Islands and majestic limestone cliffs.<\/li>\n
  • Anchor overnight off a private beach to enjoy a magnificent sunset and fine dining aboard.<\/li>\n
  • Sail from Koh Yao Yai island to Koh Yao Noi island and into Krabi Town.<\/li>\n
  • Spend time at a beautiful beach and swim in crystal clear waters.<\/li>\n
  • If time permits, you\u2019ll be able to sail on to the island of Koh Poda off the coast of Krabi and head for the Phi Phi islands in the south of Thailand<\/li>\n
  • If your cruise starts from Langkawi in Malaysia you can explore the beautiful Mergui Archipelago of Myanmar.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

    This exceptional charter boat has ample outdoor living space where you can relax. She has teak decks and a large foredeck area with trampoline netting and a sunbathing area with padded mattresses. The upper deck is fitted with a Jacuzzi spa pool and a bar area. Her contemporary and cheerful interior is fully air-conditioned with a spacious, bright saloon on the main deck and a lounge which includes a comfortable dining area and settees. Double glass doors lead to a well arranged aft deck with seating where you can enjoy buffet style lunches and elegant dinner parties if you wish. Two 5 star chefs prepare delicious on-board meals which include fresh Thai food specialities, international cuisine and South- East Asian fusion dishes. You can swim \u00a0in crystal waters from the boat\u2019s dive platform on the stern. Modern on-board amenities include sound and music systems, LCD colour television, a selection of DVD\/CD, entertainment laptop computer, Skype, Wi-Fi connection and plenty of movies. The yacht’s position can be displayed in the saloon and all guest cabins.<\/p>\n

    The comfortable hotel style accommodation for sixteen guests is arranged in six pleasantly furnished stateroom cabins. All have air conditioning, LCD TV, DVD, music stereo system, a safe box, full bed linen sets, a wash basin with hair dryer, separate toilet near the cabin and en-suite shower facilities complete with fresh bath towels and toiletries of the highest quality.<\/p>\n

    • Two aft Master Suite cabins have large double beds and en-suite rain showers.<\/li>\n
    • Two centre Double Cabin Suites have queen size beds (convertible into single beds) and rain showers.<\/li>\n
    • Two four berth Suites are suitable for families and have a large double bed (convertible into single beds) and two bunk beds. The lower bunk is suitable for an adult and the upper for a child or teenager (it is fitted with safety bars and fun ladders).<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

      The skilled yacht’s crew run the boat and look after their guests. She has a Captain, two Chef Cooks, a Stewardess and two Deckhands. They have separate living quarters to help maintain guest privacy.<\/p>\n


      Water sports, fun boating activities and entertainment include: private beach parties, island jungle walks, snorkelling, deep sea fishing and underwater photography, boat tender with a 50 HP outboard engine, big slide from top deck to the sea, water trampoline and Jacuzzi baths, beach games, two sea kayaks, two Stand up Paddle Boards, four sets of dive equipment on board and a dive compressor.<\/p>\n


      Our holiday charter package includes the services of the crew, full board meals comprising breakfast, lunch and dinner, soft drinks, the use of watersports equipment and boating activities, fishing, snorkeling and dive equipment and round trip mini bus transfers from Phuket airport to the point of embarkation in Phuket. It does not include alcoholic drinks (which are available on board and reasonably priced), National park entrances and dive-master\/instructor services, jet ski, speedboat and wakeboard if required. (These are payable to the Captain at the end of the cruise.) Spa- massages with body relaxation treatments and a masseuse are available at an extra charge.[\/vc_column_text]

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      Catamar\u00e1n de vela Lagoon 52<\/h4>\n

      Clapotis-Mer offers exclusive all-inclusive crewed yacht charter in Thailand’s most attractive cruising grounds aboard this fully equipped Lagoon 52 ft Sailing Catamaran.<\/p>\n

      This luxurious yacht is brand new and has been carefully designed to provide an exciting yacht charter holiday experience in Thailand’s islands. This is one of the most beautiful sailing holiday destinations in South East Asia and your holiday will start from Phuket in Thailand. Alternatively choose to start your cruise from Kawthaung or Ranong if you prefer to head to the Mergui Archipelago off the south coast of Myanmar. Our package offers excellent value at an affordable price. It includes the services of the crew, full board meals comprising breakfast, lunch and dinner, refreshing Thai cocktails and the use of watersports and boating activities. National Park entrance charges, scuba diving and alcoholic drinks are separately charged and payment should be made to the Captain at the end of the cruise.<\/p>\n

      Enjoyable outdoor facilities include the relaxing sunbathing and seating area in the cosy fore-cockpit and in the flybridge with a bimini top. The two low step platforms on the transom are ideal for swimming and diving.<\/p>\n

      The yacht’s interior is fully air-conditioned and harmoniously decorated with light oak veneered plywood. The generous and comfortable saloon space leads into the spacious, cushioned outdoor aft cockpit lounge which has a foldable dining teak table and upholstered bench seats where you can chill out and dine under the roof top. Contemporary on board amenities and entertainment include Hifi Media Center and a 32″ LCD TV and B&G Wifi module. The yacht has complete navigation and marine communication systems plus a watermaker, washer dryer, dishwasher and fridges and freezers in the galley and cockpit. The experienced crew of three (Captain, Cook and Stewardess) run the yacht and look after their guests. Delicious and fresh Thai food specialities, international cuisine and South- East Asian fusion dishes are served on board.<\/p>\n

      The private accommodation for ten guests comprises four double cabins with queen size beds and a middle cabin with upper and lower bunk beds. All the cabins have a dressing area, storage, 220v electrical plugs and USB socket outlets and en suite bathroom\/shower facilities with hot and cold water. The crew’s quarter is separate.<\/p>\n

      Watersports include a 3.90 m boat tender with 40 HP outboard engine, a Stand Up Paddle Board, kayak, snorkeling equipment and basic fishing tackle gear.<\/p>\n

      The holiday charter yacht is available for exciting sailing trips around Thailand’s most beautiful islands in Southeast Asia.
      \nDepending on the length of your sailing cruise, the itinerary will include: The Phang Nga Bay – Hong Island Lagoon – Panak Island – Krabi – Ao Nang Beach – Phi Phi Island in the Andaman Sea – Maya Bay – Lanta Island – Rok Island – Koh Rok Nai and Koh Rok Nok – Hat Thalu and Ao Man Sai – the Racha Islands – Racha Yai Island – Ao Siam or Tawan Tok Bay – Koh Racha Yai[\/vc_column_text]

      [vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=\"1\/4\"][vc_single_image image=\"7498\" img_size=\"255x170\" add_caption=\"yes\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\"][vc_single_image image=\"7492\" img_size=\"255x170\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\"][vc_single_image image=\"6215\" img_size=\"255x170\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\"][\/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=\"1\/4\"][vc_single_image image=\"7483\" img_size=\"255x170\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\"][vc_single_image image=\"7489\" img_size=\"255x170\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\"][\/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=\"1\/4\"][vc_single_image image=\"7486\" img_size=\"255x170\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\"][vc_single_image image=\"7530\" img_size=\"255x170\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\" label=\"\"][\/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=\"1\/4\"][vc_single_image image=\"7495\" img_size=\"255x170\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\"][vc_single_image image=\"7533\" img_size=\"255x170\" alignment=\"center\" style=\"vc_box_outline\" onclick=\"img_link_large\" lightbox=\"yes\" image_gallery=\"yes\" hover_effect=\"yes\" label=\"\"][\/vc_column_inner][\/vc_row_inner][\/vc_column][\/vc_row]<\/div>[vc_column_text]<\/p>\n

      <\/i> Goleta cl\u00e1sica schooner 97 ft<\/h4>\n

      Clapotis-Mer Exclusive Yachting Holidays are pleased to offer this luxury classic sailing boat for all inclusive private yacht charters in Southeast Asia\u2019s most exciting cruising locations.<\/p>\n

      From November through to April the yacht is based in the Andaman Sea and charters from Langkawi in Malaysia and up through the Thailand Islands and onto Burma (Myanmar) and charters around the Mergui Archipelago. By April the yacht sails around into the South China Sea and offers charters from the East Coast of Malaysia, Borneo in Malaysia and then onto the Philippines and Indonesia, a vast and varied cruising ground with the perfect weather from May to October.<\/p>\n

      You can choose a cruising location from the three options below for your all inclusive yacht charter in South East Asia with good weather conditions at best time of year.<\/p>\n

      Cruise in Southeast Asian islands between November and April.<\/strong><\/p>\n

      You can start your cruise from Yacht Haven Marina on the east coast of Phuket which is just a 15 minute drive from the international airport. From there you can sail to Phang Nga Bay and visit Koh Panyee, a fascinating fishing village, attractive Krabi Town, Tiger Cave (a Thai Buddhist temple in the lush jungle). Nearby Koh Hong is a pristine island within the Marine National Park off the coast of Krabi, where spectacular caves and lagoons can be found when the tide is low. To the south is Ao Nang Bay which is known as a lively holiday resort. Railay Beach in the surroundings of Krabi Town is secluded and an attractive place to visit. You can cruise to the most beautiful islands in the south of Thailand including Phi Phi, Koh Lanta and Racha in the Andaman Sea and anchor off Khai Nok island as you return to your port of departure.<\/p>\n

      You can board your yacht on the north west coast of Phuket to sail to Thailand\u2019s western islands. The anchorages off Nai Yang or Mai Khao beaches make an excellent starting point and have easy access from the international airport. The nine Similan Islands are famous for their crystal- clear blue waters and powder white beaches set against a backdrop of lush tropical jungle. This is a beautiful cruising area in the Indian Ocean and there\u2019s a good chance that you\u2019ll see whales, manta rays, eagle rays, turtles and dolphins while snorkeling or scuba diving. Ko Tachai to the north is a remote island with secluded white sand beaches and aquamarine waters with plenty of fish and marine life. You\u2019ll be able to watch rare species of sea turtles and swim with multi coloured fish. You may choose to sail further north to the Surin Islands and the Mu Ko Surin Marine National Park. This is a tiny archipelago off the west coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea where you can snorkel among colourful coral reefs. You may be able to catch a big fish while the boat is cruising south to Koh Bon. Finally sail back to, and disembark at, Nai Yang beach in Phuket.<\/p>\n

      Start and end your sailing charter from Kawthaung in Myanmar (also known as Burma), which is easily accessed by long-tail boat going across the Kra Buri River (also known as Pak Chan River, a natural border between Thailand and Myanmar) from Ranong in Thailand. From there you\u2019ll be able to cruise to the pristine Mergui Archipelago off the southern coast of Myanmar with its lush tropical islands and plentiful wild life. You may also sail south to the Similan and Surin Islands in the Andaman Sea before setting sail again to Kawthaung. The idyllic anchorage at \u201c115\u201d gives you access to a jungle clad, mountainous group of five islands with more than 50 white sand beaches and beautiful fringing coral reefs. Salet Galet is one of the most beautiful sailing areas around the Mergui Archipelago. Anchor between Lampi island and Wa Ale Kyunn and you will be surrounded by pristine jungle where you can enjoy jungle walks, kayaking and wildlife viewing. Ko Phawt has about 20 islands surrounded by shallow channels and fringed by miles of mangroves making it ideal for an amazing sea kayak trip. At Bo Cho Island you can visit a Moken village (The Moken tribe still live a hunter-gatherer existence) to gain a fascinating insight into the local culture and see local Moken boats being built out of hand sawn planks. Finally sail back to Kawthuang ready for your transfers back to Phuket or Ranong.<\/p>\n

      From May to November you\u2019ll start and end your yacht charter at the port of Labuan Bajo. From here you can sail to the Indonesian Islands and from August to September cruise around Komodo island to see the famous iconic Komodo Dragons. Komodo National Park is within the Lesser Sunda Islands that stretch eastward from Bali toward West Papua in the indonesian region of New Guinea.<\/p>\n

      From September to early December boat charters start and end in Sorong. The Raja Ampat Islands are an Indonesian archipelago off the northwest coast of New Guinea (West Papua) and its National Park has thousands of jungle-covered islands to explore. It is known for its beautiful beaches and coral reefs rich with marine life.<\/p>\n

      This schooner rigged sailing yacht was completely rebuilt in 2015 and provides comfortable cruising with an average speed of between 8 and 10 knots. She is very well equipped with modern marine electronic navigation and communication instruments which include Wi-Fi enhancers. Internet connection depends on local area network. The comprehensively equipped galley has electric refrigerators and a freezer (plus a separate refrigerator in the saloon), ice makers, stove with oven and grill, a microwave, washing machine and drier and all dinnerware.<\/p>\n

      The large teak outdoor living space features a cushioned seating area, sunbeds to relax on and a shaded dining area on the aft deck. The interior is fully air-conditioned and features clear wood panelling trim and varnished hardwood floors. The spacious and cheerful main lounge is fitted with a U-shaped sofa and cushions around a dining table that seats eight people comfortably. The meals feature tasty Thai specialities, both western and eastern cuisine, fish and seafood and South- East Asian fusion dishes. The qualified yacht\u2019s crew composed of a Captain, Hostess, Chef and Deckhand run the boat and look after their guests.<\/p>\n

      The main lounge and guest cabins are equipped with a 32\/42 inch LG Led Smart TV, Sony Hifi sound and stereo systems. There\u2019s a collection of movies, TV shows and books.<\/p>\n

      The comfortable on-board accommodation is made up from four cabins accommodating up to eight guests. All are large and bright with a storage compartment, en-suite bathroom\/shower and a wash hand basin. They have 220 volt outlets with USB points suitable for cell phones and cameras.<\/p>\n

      \u2013 The Master cabin is at the stern of the vessel and has a king size bed and seating area.
      \n\u2013 The VIP midship cabin has a queen size bed.
      \n\u2013 A double cabin on the port side has a large bed.
      \n\u2013 The twin forecabin has upper and lower bunk beds.
      \n\u2013 The \u2018Captain\u2019s cabin\u2019 has a double bed with en-suite bathroom\/shower facilities. It is available for guests if a fourth double bed cabin is required and in this case the Captain would move to the twin cabin.<\/p>\n

      A separate forecabin has four crew berths and its own en-suite facilities. It has its own access from the deck.<\/p>\n

      Water sports and fun boating activities include : a 12 ft classic gaff rigged sailing dinghy, two boat tenders each with 20 HP and 5 HP outboard engines, eight complete diving equipment sets and Bauer portable dive compressors, two sea kayaks, fishing and trolling game rods.<\/p>\n

      Our holiday charter package includes the services of the crew, full board meals comprising breakfast, lunch and dinner, soft drinks, the use of watersports and boating activities, fishing, snorkeling and dive equipment. It does not include alcoholic drinks (which are available on board and reasonably priced), cruising permits and National park entrances, dive-master\/instructor services and mini bus transfer from Phuket airport to Myanmar or Ranong. (These are payable to the Captain at the end of the cruise.)<\/p>\n


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      Catamaran de crucero a motor Leopard 51<\/h4>\n

      Clapotis-Mer offers all-inclusive yacht charter holidays in Thailand’s most attractive sailing grounds aboard this new, fully crewed and equipped Leopard 51 ft Power Catamaran. This luxury yacht has been newly built and is especially suitable for private parties wishing to cruise around Thailand’s islands. Our exclusive and all-inclusive boat charter packages offer excellent value at an affordable price.<\/p>\n

      Thailand’s islands are a beautiful area and offer one of the best yacht charter holiday experiences in South East Asia. Your holiday will usually start from the north-east coast of Phuket Island in Thailand and you\u2018ll normally cruise through the spectacular Phang Nga Bay in the Strait of Malacca. Anchor overnight off a private beach, enjoy a Thai cocktail and watch a magnificent sunset before dinner on board. The next day you’ll cruise between Koh Yao Yai island and Koh Hong island in Krabi or Koh Yao Noi island into Krabi Town. If your charter is long enough you might also choose to set sail for the island of Koh Poda off the coast of Krabi and head for the Phi Phi islands in the south of Thailand.<\/p>\n

      Outdoor living facilities include the foredeck, a fly bridge and a large aft deck cockpit with shaded, cushioned seating and dining areas . They are the ideal parts of the boat to relax and enjoy cruising around Thailand’s most beautiful islands.<\/p>\n

      The yacht’s interior is fully air-conditioned and there is private accommodation for six guests. The spacious main lounge features a pleasant indoor area to chill out and dine. It is equipped with a Bluetooth audio receiver and Wi-Fi connection. There are three double cabins in the two hulls. The starboard hull has one sleeping cabin and a huge bathroom whilst on the port side there are two double cabins with en-suite bathrooms.<\/p>\n

      The experienced three person crew (Captain, First mate and Cook\/Stewardess) run the yacht and look after their guests. Delicious on-board meals, fresh Thai food specialities, international cuisine and South- East Asian fusion dishes are prepared on board and are an important part of the package.<\/p>\n

      Watersports and boating leisure activities include floating mattress, inflatable donut ring, kayaks, Stand Up Paddle boards, snorkeling equipment and fishing tackle gear. The most popular boat entertaining toy is a big slide from the top deck down to the sea.<\/p>\n

      The yacht usually cruises at 14 knots.<\/p>\n

      Our holiday charter package includes the services of the crew, full board meals comprising breakfast, lunch and dinner, soft drinks, the use of watersports and boating activities, fishing tackle gear, snorkeling equipment and round trip mini bus transfers from Phuket airport to the point of embarkation in Phuket. It does not include alcoholic drinks (which are available on board and reasonably priced). National park fees are payable to the Park Rangers on site and scuba diving (with a dive instructor and equipment) to the diving centre.[\/vc_column_text]

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      Catamar\u00e1n de vela custom 48 Tailandia & Mergui<\/h4>\n

      Este catamar\u00e1n de vela r\u00e1pido, c\u00f3modo y bien equipado est\u00e1 disponible con Clapotis-Mer, el especialista en cruceros privados. Alquile este barco con tripulaci\u00f3n para su crucero y vacaciones a trav\u00e9s de los lugares m\u00e1s bellos de esta parte del Sudeste Asi\u00e1tico, incluyendo las islas del sur de Tailandia, justo al norte de la isla de Langkawi en Malasia, mientras navega alrededor de la costa e islas de Krabi en el mar de Andaman. Tambi\u00e9n puede elegir su crucero en el archipi\u00e9lago de Mergui en la costa sur de Myanmar en el noroeste de Tailandia.<\/p>\n

      Nuestra oferta de vacaciones en barco incluye: los servicios profesionales de dos miembros de la tripulaci\u00f3n (capit\u00e1n y cocinera \/azafata), que se encargan de la navegaci\u00f3n del barco y hacen que su estancia a bordo sea agradable, as\u00ed como pensi\u00f3n completa (tres comidas por d\u00eda), refrescos y el uso de los deportes n\u00e1uticos. La tripulaci\u00f3n tiene dos cabinas individuales separadas en proa.<\/p>\n

      El cockpit de popa es el rinc\u00f3n de descanso a la sombra del barco. La cubierta de proa es espaciosa. Es el lugar ideal a bordo para tomar el sol. El interior del barco es luminoso y bien ventilado. El sal\u00f3n es un espacio de reuni\u00f3n agradable para disfrutar de la deliciosa cocina de fusi\u00f3n tailandesa e internacional reci\u00e9n preparada a bordo por el cocinero. El equipo interior incluye: lector de CD y MP4, soporte para iPod con altavoces y biblioteca de audio. La desalinizadora proporciona una buena cantidad de agua dulce. Puede tomar una ducha en la plataforma de popa despu\u00e9s de nadar. La cocina tiene dos refrigeradores con congelador, una nevera grande y una m\u00e1quina de caf\u00e9 espresso.<\/p>\n

      El catamar\u00e1n tiene capacidad para ocho pasajeros en cuatro cabinas:
      \n– 2 cabinas dobles con una cama de matrimonio queen-size. Cada una tiene un cuarto de ba\u00f1o privado con ducha
      \n– 2 cabinas dobles con una cama de matrimonio queen-size. Cada una tiene un cuarto de ba\u00f1o separado con ducha<\/p>\n

      Los deportes n\u00e1uticos incluyen una embarcaci\u00f3n auxiliar con motor fueraborda, equipo de pesca con ca\u00f1as y de buceo libre. Submarinismo, dos kayaks, yoga y masajes tailandeses est\u00e1n disponibles a bordo bajo petici\u00f3n.[\/vc_column_text]

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      [vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1471564756247{margin-top: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text] [\/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Vacaciones de lujo en barco, por las islas de Tailandia y el archipi\u00e9lago de Mergui – Algunos de los destinos de cruceros del Sudeste Asi\u00e1tico que debe visitar. Clapotis Mer, el especialista en vacaciones en barco, ofrece cruceros privados por las islas m\u00e1s bonitas del sudeste asi\u00e1tico. Para […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/3161"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/page"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=3161"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/3161\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.clapotis-mer.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=3161"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}